Thursday, March 1, 2012

trying to hold it together

Its been one of those weeks were I just wanna throw in the towel. I haven't, I've kept a smile on my face, held my head high all while still trucking along. Its been one thing after another, changes that have come from no were and people around me that just make me wanna scream. Maybe its the weather that we have been having that's string everything up, its in the 40's-50's on day and the next its in the 80's. I'm absolutely LOVING the warmer weather we have been having, its given us a chance to get out of the classroom which is much needed.
I think today though was just that push that I needed to make me cringe. So myself & the two other ladies (yes the two 60 year old ladies) that I work with decided we needed a adult beverage to motivate our selves to finish out the week. Only one more day but it was needed. After we each got off work we met back up at Applebees for a bit, had a fabulous drink and did a bit of chit chatting. I was nice NOT something I would do all the time by any means. I miss my girl time with my spouse & mistress but I would much rather enjoy a drink & dinner with my hubbs since they aren't here.

This place is so different then were I worked in Hawaii. In some ways I like it more and then in others I don't and I catch myself wishing I was back at Peterson CDC.
I did get a call from the CDC here on post about working there, I just haven't followed through with anything in regards to that yet. Like I said I do like the school I'm at now for many different reasons that the CDC simply does not offer. Although I didn't have the options in Hawaii that I do now, its hard to give that up now knowing what I have. We will see what happens long term. I have two years here which is a good long bit of time and I wont just settle or be stressed or miserable were I work. I do enjoy what I do, there's no question there but I have to be able to enjoy the people I work with and for as well.
It's hard because I'm trying to do what is best for kiddos but ultimately at the end of the day I NEED / HAVE to do what is best for ME and I that is were my heart is pulling in two different directions.

~DAY 140~


lilmoomoo said...

Sorry you had an icky week.
Those adult beverages always help me!! ;)

ROXY said...

Hey! I found your blog from another blog site and noticed you were in Hawaii too. We just left Hawaii in October of last year and I use to work at the CDC at Fort Shafter. It wasn't as easy as I hope to get transferred from the CDC in Hawaii to here. That's great that the CDC where your at is contacting you about a job.