Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not a typical day,

DAY 33

but one I loved.

Today I subbed at work for the Kindergarten Aide. teacher from 8-1 and it was a first for me since I've started at EDS. I was kind of nervous going into it mainly because I didn't know the teacher I was going to be working with. Plus I was not looking forward to working from 8-1 in the Kinder. class and then from 1-530 in my class with NO break. That's right if you sub and your shift starts at the time when you sub shift ends you don't get a break nor a lunch. There isn't even a 15 minute break in there at all. It completely sucks and makes no sense at all, it makes for a VERY LONG day. I stopped last night on my way home and grabbed a few things to put together a small lunch to have so I could at least eat with the kiddos and not be starving all day.
I arrived right on time and was warmly greeted by Miss. M and a classroom full of 5 year olds asking me a million and one questions about who I was and what I was doing in there classroom. They were so cute, funny and full of personality it just made me smile. Before class got started Miss. M filled me in on what she was going to have me do through out the day while I was in her class. I was so excited with the different tasks she gave me, I was going to be able to interact with the children as well and do some other things around the classroom and getting there folders cleaned out from the day before and refilled with paper work that needed to go home. One thing she mentioned to me that I would be doing made me a wee bit skeptical. I had to be ZERO the HERO......."what".....I asked myself in the name is that and what am I going to have to be doing. She told me she would explain more later in the morning. The kids were talking through the morning about how it was Zero the Hero day and they seemed really excited about it but I was still out of the loop. Time went by and soon after Miss. M pulled me in to the hall way and told me to go down to the classroom on the end and put on the cape and get Zero the Hero and told me to come "flying" in to the classroom and around the children saying Zero the Hero is here. Oh gosh my heart was racing like crazy but I said ok and went down the hall. The teacher in the room were I got ready offered to do it for me, I guess she could see the nervousness on my face. I told her that was ok I would manage to do it, I couldn't let Miss. M down nor the children. I braved it up and probably made a complete fool of myself BUT the children were cheering at the top of their lungs and laughing and were so excited. I was thrilled with myself that I went through with it and made their day.
You see Zero the Hero comes to first on every school day that ends in a Zero and today happened to be the 70th day of school, so the next time he will come and visit will be on the 80th day of school. I think I am going to go for a visit when that day comes to see the kiddos again.
They made my day and I was so happy that I said yes to sub for the teacher aide. It has really got me thinking that working with older children is something that I would really enjoy doing. I am looking into what I need to do to first become a teacher aide here in the local school district and then I will go from there on seeing what I need to do to become a teacher. I know I only spent one day in the Kindergarten class but I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!

~~~~~Zero The Hero 70 day Poem~~~~~~

I'm Zero the Hero and I'm here to say,
"Hooray, Hooray on your 70th day!"
Congratulations on your 7th zero.
That's the favorite number of Zero the Hero.
You have 7 zero bands and 7 bundles of straws.
And now we need lots of applause.
The 10's cup has 7 bundles - WOW!
Let's count by 10s to 70 - right now!
I'm Zero the Hero - Let's cheer today
Hooray, hooray for our 70th day!
Good-by for now, here's a treat from me.
It's round like a zero, what can it be?

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